5% Nutrition (Rich Piana) Real Carbs & Protein gainer conditioner
Real Carbs & Protein 5% Nutrition high-quality blend of proteins and carbohydrates, intended for athletes, supporting the construction of lean muscle mass. The supplement promotes the maintenance of the anabolic environment and affects the regeneration of the body. The innovative HydroBeef beef protein hydrolyzate, egg powder, chickpea protein and organic chicken powder create an extraordinary protein blend with different absorption rates. This is one of the best meal substitutes with such a rich composition. The product contains as much as 20 g of protein and 30 g of carbohydrates per serving and is a complete meal replacement for physically active people, enriched with magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and iron.
Why is it worth using a gainer?
Gaining the desired muscle mass can be a demanding challenge, especially for people who train actively. That is why it is worth reaching for products that support effective muscle growth. 5% Nutrition (Rich Piana) Real Carbs & Protein 1562g is a dietary supplement that plays a key role in achieving your training goals.
Real Carbs - Treasury of Energy
The first element worth paying attention to in this supplement is "Real Carbs". Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. However, not all carbohydrates are equal. Real Carbs in 5% Nutrition (Rich Piana) is an excellent source of valuable fuel for your muscles. They provide the essential ingredients that will fuel your training, allowing you to reach your full potential.
5% Nutrition (Rich Piana) Real Carbs & Protein gainer composition:
Whole Grain Oats - whole-grain oatmeal is a well-known but underestimated component of the daily diet, which, fortunately, is becoming a more and more noticeable natural product that should be included in the diet of not only the athlete but everyone who cares about the quality of meals. Oatmeal flakes contain all the basic nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, fiber and mineral salts are therefore a full-calorie meal, which is ideal for breakfast, because it provides energy to function throughout the day.
Hydrolyzed Beef Protein - Isolate-HydroBeef- beef protein isolate formed as a result of infusion. It contains all the most important amino acids, peptides, nucleotide fractions, minerals and vitamins naturally found in beef. The hydrobeef isolate is digested more slowly than whey. It is characterized by high BCAA content, low fat content and low cholesterol and sodium concentration. It contains up to 97% of high quality protein with increased absorption. It promotes the anabolic environment, contributes to the increase of muscle mass and influences regeneration.
Whole Egg Powder - egg powder is a source of protein with an ideal 100 bioavailability index, with an average digestion rate. Enriching the diet with egg white, contributes to the stabilization of blood sugar levels, provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. It supports the process of slimming, and at the same time provides the body with proteins that affect the development of muscle mass. Egg yolk contains lutein that improves vision and protects against harmful UVA and UVB rays. In addition, lutein and zeaxanthin minimize the risk of colon cancer and heart disease.
Chickpea Protein - Chickpea protein contains a protein with high nutritional value. It provides amino acids that are not present in cereal products. The low glycemic index IG = 30 stabilizes the blood sugar level and the high fiber content has a positive effect on the digestive system. Chickpeas reduce blood pressure, high potassium content speeds up the removal of sodium from the body.
Organic Chicken Powder - organic, high-quality chicken protein, free-absorbing, rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber. Chicken meat is rich in B vitamins, especially B3 (niacin) and B6 (pyridoxine). Vitamin B3 affects energy processes in the body, takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Other valuable ingredients include selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc. Sweet Potato-sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potatoes, are a great source of carbohydrates. Effectively accelerates the return of strength after intense training. They are low in calories and easily digestible. They provide electrolyte balance in the body through high potassium content. They contain beta carotene and lutein.
Rice - rice is a source of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index without causing sudden drops in blood sugar. High fiber content has a positive effect on digestion and intestinal health. Thanks to this, it reduces appetite and shows a significantly lower glycemic index than white rice. Carbohydrates from brown rice are released gradually, providing a constant supply of energy for a long time. Regular consumption of brown rice prevents the occurrence of coronary heart disease, promotes the reduction of bad cholesterol.
Vitamin A - a key vitamin when it comes to the health of our skin, hair and nails. That is why it is often an invaluable component of skin and hair supplements. The use of vitamin is particularly important for dry and acne-prone skin. It helps the skin to maintain an adequate level of hydration, thanks to which the skin is more elastic and soft. It also helps in the fight against signs of aging such as wrinkles. It proves helpful in reducing stretch marks or signs of flaking.
Magnesium - is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. It is the main intracellular ion. It is a cation, i.e. a positively charged ion, which takes part in over 300 enzymatic reactions taking place in the cells of our body. The effects of its action are diverse, and the most important are the participation in the synthesis of proteins and DNA, or the basic information carrier in our body. In addition, magnesium reveals a key role in the process of muscle contraction and relaxation and neuromuscular excitability. Magnesium is also responsible for the proper structure of bones and teeth.
Potassium - is one of the most important elements of the fluid present inside every living cell. His most important functions include regulation of water and mineral management of the body, participation in the proper transmission of nerve impulses and in protein synthesis. Insufficient potassium supply often results in impaired muscular strength and thus less effective training. For proper operation of muscle cells it is necessary to maintain their proper hydration, ability to stimulate under the influence of nerve stimuli, as well as sufficient nutrition.