Nucleon Nutrition LGD-4033 90 caps - ligandrol SARM for mass
Ligandrol from Nucleon Nutritionis the most popular SARM for mass, which is used by people who want to gain significant muscle gains. Many people indicate that its action resembles d-bol - a classic agent used in bodybuilding for centuries. LGD-4033 allows for faster building of muscle mass, increased strength, improved regeneration. Particularly valued by experienced people due to its strong anabolic potential. If you haven't had any results at the gym for a long time, your figure hasn't changed, and you want to make significant gains, this will be a bull's eye!
Advantages of Nucleon Nutrition LGD-4033 90 caps are:
- Strong anabolism
- Increased strength
- Fast results
- Pure Muscle Mass
What exactly is SARM LGD-4033?
LGD-4033, also known as Ligandrol, is one of the most powerful SARMs that has been dominating the market for several years now. Ligandrol selectively affects androgen receptors, which allows for a significant increase in muscle mass without the typical side effects that may occur when using classic AAS. Well, we have to fully agree with the common opinion here, our team confirms that this product has really strong potential!
LGD-4033 mechanism of action
Ligandrol works by activating androgen receptors, which naturally occur in muscle tissues. This leads to anabolic processes that result in:
- increased protein synthesis in muscles,
- faster muscle regeneration after training,
- increased endurance and strength.
Ligandrol and muscle mass growth
Compared to other SARMs LGD-4033 provides some of the strongest muscle mass gain effects. Thanks to its anabolic effect, it allows you to gain lean muscle mass, which makes it a popular choice for people training in the gym to achieve great gains. More than one person was surprised that SARM can give such impressive effects.
Faster regeneration of your muscles
Nucleon Nutrition LGD-4033 also supports faster regeneration after training, which allows for even more intense training. Thanks to this, we can achieve better results in a short time, which is one of the key elements of SARM action.
Composition of SARM Nucleon Nutrition LGD-4033:
1 serving, 1 capsule:
LGD-4033 - 10 mg - SARMs act on androgen receptors, but unlike steroids, they have minimal effect on other tissues, which reduces the risk of side effects. Thanks to its anabolic effect, LGD-4033 is able to stimulate the growth of muscle mass, which makes it a great choice for people training for mass.
Ligandrol Dosage and Sample Cycle
The optimal dose of LGD-4033 is 10 mg per day. It is most often used for a period of 8 to 12 weeks, after which a break and post-cycle therapy (PCT) are recommended.
Sample Cycles
- LGD-4033 with Ostarine - 20 mg of MK-2866 is used as a base and 20 mg of LGD as a typical anabolic.
- Ligandrol with RAD-140 - a very strong combination aimed at large gains. 20 mg LGD-4033 and 20 mg RAD-140 is already a very interesting option for obtaining good gains.
- LGD-4033 with MK677 - is intended to have a two-way effect, typically anabolic and to increase the level of growth hormone. MK-677 30 mg daily and 20 mg LGD-4033 can change your figure.
Does using LGD-4033 require PCT?
Yes, due to the possibility of a decrease in natural testosterone levels after a cycle of using LGD-4033, PCT is recommended to maintain the effects of the cycle.