Muscle Builders
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are currently one of the most popular supplements supporting the development of muscle mass. Their action is similar to prohormones, but they definitely have fewer negative effects, which makes them a popular choice for people who train. This is their advantage over classic steroids - instead of "hitting" everything, focus on muscle growth and bone strengthening, which minimizes side effects.
How do work?
It work by stimulating androgen receptors in muscles, which leads to anabolic processes, i.e. muscle tissue growth. Each product works a little differently, but most of them allow you to:
- Increase muscle mass
- Increase endurance and strength
- Protect bones and accelerate regeneration
The most popular product and their uses
- Ostarine (MK-2866) – also called the "mildest SARM". Perfect for beginners who want to gain muscle mass and strengthen bones
- Ligandrol (LGD-4033) – a powerful SARM, often used by advanced users.
- Cardarine (GW-501516) – works great for improving endurance.
- Andarine (S4) – known for its positive effect on fat reduction and clearer muscle definition.
After a cycle with this prodcuts, it is recommended to use PCT, which will maintain your effects!