Pro Nutrition Sarm Stack 60 caps Ostarine LAG Cardarine.
Pro Nutrition Sarm Stack is a preparation that is a combination of three substances with anabolic effects. Using Pro Nutrition Sarm Stack you will get in a relatively short time a significant increase in strength and muscle endurance, while reducing unnecessary body fat.
Pro Nutrition Sarm Stack 60 caps:
- A combination of three powerful SARMs,
- Increase muscle mass,
- Increase in insulin sensitivity,
- Improved strength,
- Increase bone density.
Sarm Stack Pro Nutrition includes:
LGD-4033 - has a strong affinity for androgen receptors (AR). By selectively modulating their response, it favors anabolic activity enabling growth, regeneration and subsequent preservation of muscle tissue. It also supports bone mineralization. It is not subject to aromatization or conversion to DHT. Thus, its use does not lead to the messy consequences attributed to excessive testosterone concentrations. Thus, it does not alter the condition of the prostate and skin, does not cause mood swings and minimizes the risk of gynecomastia. Given a safe serving, it has no negative effect on luteinizing hormone (LH), folliculotropic hormone (FSH) and total testosterone levels, leaving its value within the standard range. It also does not affect: blood pressure, hematocrit, hemoglobin, or lipid profile. Although taking larger amounts can lead to a temporary decrease in HDL cholesterol levels return to normal within a short time after the cycle ends.
Ostarine - as a selective androgen receptor modulator, exhibits a strong anabolic effect comparable to testosterone, with a reduced androgenic effect. It intensifies the processes of muscle tissue synthesis and improves bone mineralization. Ostarine, as a non-steroidal substance, is unaffected by reductase and aromatase, thus minimizing the side effects attributed to excessive amounts of testosterone needed for similar anabolic potency. Probably due to some effect on aromatase activity, it can slightly increase estrogen levels. It does not cause male pattern baldness, skin eczema or joint problems. Probably by increasing collagen synthesis, it sometimes leads to improvement of skin and joint conditions.
It does not lead to prostate hypertrophy. At the clinical dose (3 mg/day), the administration of Ostarin for 12 weeks leads to an increase in total mass and muscle strength. It does not cause changes in the levels of: free testosterone, DHT, estradiol, FSH and LH hormones. Leads to a significant decrease in levels of sex hormone binding globulins (SHBG), which is associated with a decrease in total testosterone. Without affecting insulin levels, it lowers fasting glucose levels and reduces insulin resistance, which improves the activation of anabolic processes in the body and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. It reduces triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and improves the LDL/HDL ratio, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
GW-510516 - as a selective PPARδ activator that increases the expression of the mentioned isotype, interferes with the body's energy metabolism. It reduces the use of carbohydrates as a source of energy, and by lowering the level of insulin resistance, it promotes their utilization in the muscles, preventing their reaccumulation in the spare tissue. By intensifying the utilization of fats, it promotes the use of a more efficient source of energy, while reducing lagging adipose tissue and protects glycogen and protein structures from degradation. By increasing the number of muscle fibers and mitochondria, it promotes the burning of energy compounds, thus creating favorable conditions for the body's adaptation to the physical effort undertaken. Endurobol is not very effective in people with sedentary lifestyles. It reveals its properties only when combined with physical exertion, during which it significantly delays the onset of fatigue in the body. Due to its high efficacy and related concerns about its abuse by athletes, it was classified as doping and placed on the list of agents not approved for use in sports.
Sarm Stack Dosage:
2 capsules daily