Redcon1 Halo Laxogenin 60 caps anabolic agent
Halo laxogenin from REDCON1. Why is there such a buzz about Halo? Studies have shown that in Laxogenin in large doses (such as the one we provide in the Redcon1 Halo product) nitrogen retention is drastically improved and protein synthesis is increased by over 200%. In addition, it also inhibits cortisol, a very strong and negative stress hormone that has a catabolic effect on our muscles.
Natural anabolic with high power
Redcon1 Halo is a means of delivering 5a-hydroxy Laxogenin, or 5a-Spirostan-6-one, a steroid compound classified as brassinosteroids, structurally similar to Anavar (Oxandrolone). Halo contains the largest amount of active substance per capsule of all such products, making it the most economical choice.
What is laxogenin?
5a-hydroxy Laxogenin delivered to the human body exhibits anabolic-androgenic effects, the ratio of which is comparable to Anavar. It exhibits anti-catabolic properties by lowering cortisol levels. It thus supports the synthesis of muscle tissue proteins and its subsequent protection against degradation. Probably mainly due to interference with thyroid activity, it supports the loss of fat tissue. Additionally, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
Laxogenin increases testosterone levels
It is believed that laxogenin does not undergo conversion into sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogens, so it does not affect radical changes in their quantity and mutual proportion. Thus, it does not lead to the occurrence of negative effects attributed to their excessive concentration and disruption of mutual proportions, e.g. changes in organs, mood swings and libido, or the effects of discontinuing sex hormones. Additionally, it does not cause the typical hepatotoxic effect attributed to some steroid hormone precursors.
Halo radically increases the body's endurance in a few days. A significant increase in strength and muscle mass is observed after less than a month. Until recently, the special preference for this compound was justified by the lack of methods to detect its use.
How does Halo REDCON1 work?
Redcon1 Halo is a product with an anabolic and anti-catabolic effect. It supports the construction of dry, lean muscle mass, effectively supporting the creation of an attractive figure. It is perfect for increasing sports results in both strength and endurance disciplines. An additional advantage of the product is the relatively high safety of its use and the low level of side effects attributed to externally administered sex hormones or their precursors.
To sum up, the Redcon1 brand bases its products on well-known, proven and effective ingredients. By choosing Redcon1 products, you always have a guarantee of reliable products from the American market at a great price.
Laxogenin dosage
Men: 1 capsule twice a day
Women: 1 capsule once a day.